Zakatala is arranged northwest of the Azerbaijan Republic (450 km northwest of Baku). From a north there passes border with Russia(Dagestan), in northwest with Belokan , from a southwest by Georgia and southeast Kakh of Azerbaijan.The total population of Zakatala is 105,000 and area 1.348 square metre. In region has one town and 66 villages. The populatuion of town is more than 35 thousand person, located northwest of Sheki, by the Tala river, in extreme northern Azerbaijan, in an appendix of Azeri territory wedged between Georgia and Dagestan (Russian Federation). In Zakatala region mainly lives Tsakhur and Avar minorities.
The economy of the Zakatala rayon has an agricultural base - mainly cash-crops and sheep. There is a tea factory, a tobacco transformation plant, a large food combine and a silk cocoon drying plant. The local honey is known across Azerbaijan.

The Zakatala State Reserve was established in 1929 on an area of 25218 hectares, including 48 hectares of water reservoirs. During the period of its existence, the reserve has belonged to different organizations and its area and borders have been repeatedly changed. The reserve is situated on the territory of Zakatala and Belokan regions, precisely in the middle part of the southern slope of the Major Caucasian Range, at a height of 650-3,646 m above sea-level. The fauna of the reserve is rich in species composition. They are: Dagestan aurochs, chamois, red deer, roe, brown bear, fox, badger, Mustela nivalis, pine marten and stone marten, lynx, squirrel and others.The main protected objects are the preserved natural complexes of the middle and, partially, lower mountainous forests of subalpine, alpine and neval belts of the southern macroslopes of the Greater Caucasus, as well as diverse fauna and flora including a range of species and subspecies documented in the Red Book.

History: The term Zakatala is connected to a title of nations sacks (tsakhs) which one in an antiquity lived in this terrain (ancient Caucasian Albania). Except for them in this terrain lived legi, geli, silvi...
In 1735 there was a large revolt against board a Nadir Shah. For depressing of revolt the Nadir Shah has transmitted large forces led by the brother Ibrahim Khan. The forces Commands Ibrahim Khan to Kharabakh, Sheki have entered on terrain Jamaat. In gorge Djanik a troops have got in an ambush and were erased. Ibrahim Khan was death. In 1738 the Nadir Shah has transmitted padding large forces, which one have managed to suppress revolt.In the beginning 19-th centuries began large-scale approach to Caucasus. Having trapped Eastern Georgia Russian become to make dispositions for acquisition of Azerbaijan. Maiden on their pathes there was a strategic relevant site(segment). In 1803 Russian transfer to approach in two directions. On Belakan and in a direction Jar on a coast of the river Alazan. Russian have gained victory, having trapped Belakan, have shattered village. The population Jar has decided to be handed without a combat. In Tiflis the quoters Jamaat and Russian command the agreement for acceptance of Russian citizenship is concluded. Besides they were obliged to pay tribute at a rate of 220 poods of silk annually. In Jar Russian army was placed.But soon mountainer nations of Dagestan have trapped Jar and Belokan. Russian troops fired Jar. But the population was not handed and has engaged in combat with Russian forces and has gained victory, having killed the head of the army. But soon Russian with a large army again has trapped Jar and Belokan.In 1830 revolt against Russian oppression again began. But it was severely overwhelmed by an imperial troops. In 1830 the large revolt began, which one was prolonged some months. In the season of revolt there were some battles. The revolt was overwhelmed in a blood, the large part perilune was broken down.In the season of the Caucasian war against a troops Shamil, in Jamaat there were some protrusions.In 1863 in Zakatala the consolidated stability was constructed, in which one Russian garrisons were placed. Some times integrated forces of a troops Shamil and Jamaatov deposited a stability...

Today Zakatala is one of the main economic center in Sheki-Zakatala region. In rayon have nut and tea factories. The city have local television (AygunTV) and newspaper. Zakatala is famous local honey,nuts,hazel and rugs across Azerbaijan ...

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